Free Formats For Delhi Trial Court Forms - Image

Free Formats For Delhi Trial Court Forms

Filing of Civil Suits requires a lot of Filing works of many Forms as required in Civil Procedure Code. Here few of the Formats of those Forms are; 1Address Form 2 Process Fee Form 3. Vakalatnama 4. Memo Of Appearance 5- List of Documents

These are the list of Forms which are required in Civil Suits and are used in Delhi Courts ;

List of Documents are ;

1- Address Form -

2- Process Fee Form -

3- Vakalatnama -

4- List of Documents - 

5- Memo of Apperance

If you are looking for Dowloadable Formats of the Documents you can click the link . 

You can avail the Subscription of our website , which give you access to more then 300 Legal Formats with continueslt adding new and updated Formats. Phenix Bay Legal also a provides answer to young lawyers regarding court process or any legal query free of cost.



                                              ADDRESS FORM
In the Court of :
Case Versus
Suit Date of Hearing
The address of Plaintiff/ Defendant/ Applicant is as under :-


Name with

Caste Resident of Post Office Tehsil Distt.  Remarks

All the summons, notices orders etc. In connection with the above suit be sent to me at
the address given above.
In Case of any change in address, the same shall be communicated to with full
particulars and details.


Counsel For Plaintiff/Defendant

Process Fee Form

IN THE COURT OF…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Suit/Case No. ………………………………………..
P.D.O.H………………………………… N.D.O.H……………………………….

Date of Filing

Filed By
Purpose of
Number  Amount of P.
Court Fee Affixed  

In the Court of Shri
Suit/Case No. ………………………….
In Re……………………………………………………………….V/S………………………………………………………………………
P.D.O.H. ……………………………………… N.D.O.H. ……………………………….
Date of Filing………………………………………
                                                                                                                                                                                           Ahlmad / Asstt. Ahlmad





IN THE COURT OF…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Suit/Appeal No. …………………………………………………………………………………………JURISDICTION OF 201
In re:-
……………………………………………………………………………………………………Plaintiff(s) or Petitioner(s)
Appellant(s) Complainant(s)
……………………………..………………………………………………………Defendant (s)/ Respondent(s) / Accused Know all to whom
these Present shall come that I/we ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The above named…………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………..
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………do hereby appoint
(herein after called the advocate/s) to be my / our Advocate in the above – noted case authorize him:-
To act, appear and plead in the above-noted case in this court or in any other court in which the same
may be tried or heard and also in the appellate court including High Court subject to payment of fees separately
for each court by me/us.
To sign file, verify and present pleadings, appeals cross-objection or petitions for executions review,
revision, withdrawal, compromise or other petitions or affidavits or other documents as may be deemed necessary
or proper for the prosecution of the said case in all its stages subjects to payment of fees for each stage.
To file and take back documents, to admit and/or deny the documents of opposite party.
To withdraw or compromise the said case or submit to arbitration any differences of disputes
that may arise touching or in any manner relating to the said case.
To take execution proceedings on paying separate fee.
To deposit, draw and receive money, cheques, cash and grant receipts hereof and to do all
other acts and things which may be necessary to be done for the progress and in the course of the  
prosecution on the said case.
To appoint and instruct any other Legal Practitioner authorizing him to exercise the power and
authority hereby conferred upon the Advocate whenever he may think fit to do so and to sign the
power of attorney on our behalf.
And I/we undersigned to hereby agree to ratify and confirm all acts done by the Advocate or
his substitute in the matter as my/our own acts, as if done by me/us to all intents and purpose.
And I/we undertake that I/We or my/our duly authorized agent would appear in court on all
hearings and will inform the Advocate for appearance when the case is called.
And I/We undersigned do hereby agree not to hold the advocate or his substitute responsible for the
result of the said case. The adjournment costs whenever ordered by the court shall be of the Advocate which he
shall receive and retain for himself.
And I/we undersigned do hereby agree that in the event of the whole or part of the fee agreed by me/us
to be paid to the advocate remaining unpaid he shall be entitled to withdraw from the prosecution of the said case
until the same is paid up. The fee settle is only for the above case and above Court. I/We hereby agree that once
the fee is paid, I /We will not be entitled for the refund of the same in any case whatsoever and if the case
prolongs for more than 3 years the original fee shall be paid again by me/us.
IN WITNESS WHERE OF I/We do hereunto set my/our hand to these presents the contents of which have
been understood by me/us on this ………………………………Day of……………………201 Accepted subject to the terms of
the fees.
                                                                                                                                           Advocate Client Client
                                                                   I Identify the Signature/Thumb Impression of Below Mentioned Person,
                                                                                                                                 Signed in My Presence. The Client.


List of Documents Produced by Plaintiff /Defendant

Order XIII Rule of the order of Civil Procedure from prescribed by the High Court in the Court of
Suit No.___________of 201
List of documents produced with the plaint (or the first Hearing on behalf of the Plaintiff or Defendant)
Date of Hearing This list as filed by This day of 201..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Descriptions and date of
any of this document
That the
Document is
intended to

What become of the document

Brought the
record the
exhibit mark
put on the
If rejected date
of return to
Party &
Signature of
Party or
Pleader to
whom the
document was



Signature of
Party or Pleas


                                                     Memorandum of Appearance
                                                                         M.A. Advocate

                                                                        B.A. L.L.B. Pleader
In the Court of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
In Rs…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
The undersigned is appearing in the above case on behalf of……………………………………………………..
He has been authorized to appear by…………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date: ……………........

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