Use search box for searching legal Document Template & select. Read details about the Product. For e.g. Rent Agreement

2. Purchase & Download the template
After purchase, download Document Template and fill in the necessary details like Name, Address, Rent amount in blank spaces using a word processor and review the document and take a print out.

3. Purchase the required Stamp Paper
Get the document notarized and make it legally binding.

Save up to 50%
By just spending on Stamp Paper and Notary. For e.g. earlier you used to spend Rs 500/- on Rent Agreement, now you spend Rs 23/- on Phenix Bay Legal Template+ Rs 100/- Stamp Paper* + Rs 50/- on Notary* + Free Legal Consultation = Rs 173/- Only. (*- Depends on state to state may differ)
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This is a convenient way to create legally binding documents from the comfort of your home while saving both Time and Money.
Step by step guide to use Phenix Bay Legal